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The ShriRam Wonder Years Rohini aims to empower students to acquire, demonstrate and articulate the core values that we stand for:
Nurturing the sensitivity within each child in order to embrace diversity in their environment. Using progressive practices like “Circle Time” and “Dialogue” with students to develop acceptance, tolerance and understanding of human diversity. Initiating an “Environment Programme” for sensitization towards natural resources to integrate the ideals of reuse, recycle and reduce.
Developing the value of Integrity through healthy and supportive student-teacher relationships. Ensuring moral and value-driven education. A culture of transparent communication among teachers, students and parents brings about a three-way handshake tha we strive towards instilling in our school. Adopting an ethos where we practice what we preach and nurture empowered and happy students.
A school curriculum that is rich with glimpses of Indian Heritage and Culture, evoking in each student pride in the rich and varied fabric of their community. A School Annual Plan that uses cultural practices such as observing and celebrating every national and religious event. To help each student carry in their hearts the legacy of our vibrant, beautiful and diverse culture.
Consistent and constant efforts by a committed and motivated staff to provide individualized attention. A management decision of 1:10 student-teacher ratio to sustain individualized student development. A School Annual Plan that uses progressive practices like “Wonder Time”, “Circle Time”, “Music and Movement”, “Puppetry”, “Story Telling”, “Outbound Programmes” to develop an attitude of striving towards excellence in all spheres amongst students.
To foster a nurturing and progressive learning environment that helps our learners become independent thinkers and problem solvers with strong ethical values rooted in tradition.